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RUQ Impact Our Mission illustration

RUQ is dedicated to empowering mission-driven organizations and start-ups. We illuminate narratives and amplify voices to help you connect more deeply with the communities you serve.

Let's Talk

How We Work

We established the EASEL Method to ensure a comprehensive analysis and synthesis of your unique vision.Learn more
RUQ Impact - How We Work
RUQ How we work diagram


Our Services

We offer a variety of services tailored for philanthropic organizations, encompassing advanced data analysis, dynamic data visualization, specialized budgeting tool development, professional slide deck creation, and a range of customized consultancy services to meet your unique needs.Learn More
RUQ Impact Services illustration


Our main services include:

We offer quantitative and qualitative analysis. Our approach is a cyclical process that includes communication of the questions that can be answered; wrangling the data, which includes data identification and data cleaning; exploration where we use text and visualizations to depict high-level understanding of the findings; and analyzing to reveal relationships, patterns, and trends. We transform your data into compelling visual narratives to bring clarity and sophistication to your findings.

Our data visualization services bring clarity and sophistication to your information, making complex data easily understandable and visually appealing.

We create customized budgeting tools tailored to your specific needs, such as a fully functional operating budget, dedicated grant tracking budget for foundations, or other financial planning tools.

Elevate your presentations with our slide deck creation service. We design engaging and informative decks for a variety of purposes, including strategy, fundraising, investor relations, and grantmaking trends, ensuring your message is delivered with impact and elegance.

Let's Talk!

Email us by completing this form or book a call with us.

We look forward to connecting with you!

Jeff Jiménez-Kurlander, MPA

Data & Design Lead: I have over a decade of experience in the social impact sector with formal training in data analytics, strategy development, grantmaking, and design. This path led me to obtain formal training as a designer to refine my skills. The essence of my work is visual storytelling: turning raw data into compelling narratives, transforming text into beautiful visuals, and sharing your story in a way that ignites change.
Jeffrey Jiménez-Kurlander , RUQ Lead Designer